Important things that you should consider before downloading a software

Not all software that you come across is safe. Some are full of malware and viruses. Some will pave way for malicious processes and some will slow down your computer completely. On the positive side, there are also many useful and important software that you must have. There are many providers or sources that settling for the right software to perfume a certain function may be very difficult. Before doing any downloading, there are many important things that you should consider. Here are some of them
Try to understand PUP and PUA
This is the first thing to consider before downloading any software. The above mentioned are software and applications that are unwanted. Those are the sites that will steal Important data from you and sell it to those people doing advertisements backdoor. Some of these applications and software will be running in your background without your knowledge. Whenever you are downloading or installing software, you should always be on the alert for such programs. For more visit
Do not settle for free things
This is the worst thing that you could ever do when you are looking for software to download. Although many think that they will be saving by choosing the free and cheap option, the truth of the matter is that you will be installing malware and spyware. There are also high chances that your computer will be infected by viruses. Not installing free things will avoid installing other programs that you aren’t aware of such as sheep.exe.
Scan the file before downloading
Before you install any file on your computer, the first important step should be to scan the file. This is the best way to make sure that you are not feeding your computer with malware. For more information, visit