Enjoy Wine Tasting Trips In Florence And Siena

If you enjoy wine tasting then you may have never tried Tuscany. Tuscany sits at the foot of the Mediterranean Sea and it is a region of Italy that enjoys great winemaking.

It has produced some fabulous Italian wines such as the Lambrusco which has won many awards, and it is also famous for the production of good dry reds like the Vino Nobile di Montepulciano. There is a large farming industry in Tuscany and most of the wine is blended with local grape juice to create white and green wines. Several sub-regions within Tuscany itself are perfect for tasting wine.

If you visit Tuscany you should try the different wines and foods that are available. Some of the more popular foods include Salami, Lasagna, Fettuccine, prime rib, prime brie, Sausage, and the famous Vino Nobile di Montepulciano. There is also the Cave of the witches which are said to bring curses and hexes to those who eat there, which is a well-known Tuscany tourist favorite.

If you are looking for a luxurious wine tasting experience then you should head down to Florence and Siena. Florence is probably one of the most beautiful cities in the entire world and it is one of the most important centers for art in the Italian west.

Siena is also well worth a visit because of the unique architecture, museums, and the beautiful landscape that is Florence over the hills. All of these cities are packed full of history and culture and you can visit all of them during your vacation to Italy. This is the ultimate dream vacation because you get to explore two wonderful historical cities while still having fun and relaxing.